Suffering With Hemorrhoids? Try These Ideas To Ease The Discomfort

Hemorrhoids are an affliction that is very painful and can interfere with your life. The pain is hard to get rid of once the hemorrhoids become inflamed and itchy. Read on for good insight into solutions for this painful condition.

Keep your hemorrhoids as clean as possible. You should use some damp wipes rather than toilet paper; toilet paper may hurt. Taking a sitz bath can aid in relieving swelling and pain cause by hemorrhoids. You should soak in it for a minimum of 20 minutes.

If you suffer from the discomforts that hemorrhoids cause, you may be able to find some relief. Sitz baths are very helpful. You can sit in one many times each day for several minutes each time. Applying a cold compress to your hemorrhoids will also provide relief.

Ice is usually pretty good for alleviating hemorrhoid pain. In addition to being itchy, hemorrhoids are extremely painful. Address the swelling and pain with a carefully applied ice pack. Alternate the use of an ice pack with the use of a warm compress. Soaking in a warm tub, and then applying an ice pack will reduce swelling and pain related to hemorrhoids, and help you be more comfortable.

Consider the usage of witch hazel for relief from hemorrhoid discomforts. Astringent witch hazel contracts hemorrhoid tissue, which bring a sigh of relief to sufferers. You can easily apply a cotton ball or pad soaked in witch hazel to the affected area for 5 minutes. A few drops in a sitz bath may also help.

As you battle your hemorrhoids, it is important to prevent irritation and inflammation caused by perfumes, dyes and other ingredients found in common personal products. These products will sting and make the swelling and itching even worse.

Treatments include drinking water, eating fiber, topical creams, and exercise. If you choose to use the tips that have been provided, you should be able to keep hemorrhoids at bay more often.

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