Make Hemorrhoids A Thing Of The Past By Using These Great Tips

Statistics say that a large percentage of people will experience hemorrhoids and the associated pain once or more during their lifetime. Pregnant women also tend to get them late in pregnancy, or post birth. Men or women often get them because of the straining caused by constipation. The practical advice in this article offers several ways to avoid or treat this unpleasant condition.

Fiber in your diet can be the best prevention technique for avoiding or treating hemorrhoids. Add foods with lots of fiber to your diet. These include green, leafy vegetables and whole grains. Fiber will help encourage healthy bowel movements and reduce rectal strain.

You can lessen the chance that you will develop external hemorrhoids by paying some extra attention to your hygiene routines for that area of your body. Using a combination of quality soft toilet tissue that does not break, and moistening wipes after each bowel movement, can be effective.

If you have hemorrhoids, you should avoid using products that contain dyes, oils and fragrance as they may exacerbate your condition. These products will sting and make the swelling and itching even worse.

The high amount of fiber in whole wheat bread can be the perfect food to add to your diet to reduce your hemorrhoids. As an added benefit, whole wheat will also help to reduce general skin irritation. Whether you’re eating a big plate of spaghetti or a submarine sandwich, opting for whole wheat is a smart choice.

Too much strain while using the bathroom is one major cause of hemorrhoids. Changing your diet to include less refined foods and drinking more water, will help to make stools easier to pass. Squatting is another thing to try to effortlessly pass stools. When you are on the toilet, put a short stool underneath your feet. Interestingly, hemorrhoids don’t plague cultures for whom it is customary to squat while using the toilet to the degree that they plague those accustomed to the porcelain niceties.

As was stated, many people will experience hemorrhoids in their life. Eating well and exercising regularly can dramatically decrease the likelihood of getting hemorrhoids.

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